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Sunscreen and Smiles

This is a two hour class. 

Grade levels:  pK 

Hour: 2nd & 3rd 

Teacher: Sue Buck  

Teacher Contact Info: 

Google Classroom Used: For parent use only

Approximate Weekly Homework: none

Monthly Cost:  $42

One Time Supply Fee: $30 

Supply Fee Covers: snacks, big crayons, scissors, glue, paper, paints, and storage containers. 

Prerequisites: Potty Trained 

Materials Required:  Snacks every Friday for 2nd period. No Nuts. 

Class Description:  

I will be teaching each child gross motor activities, find motor skills, alpha and numeric recognition, number sequencing, calendar concepts, colors and shapes, standing in line and letting others take a turn first and a variety of pre kindergarten skills. Activities change every 10 to 15 minutes. We will go outside.  We will paint. Class lasts for 2 hours. 

Sunscreen and Smiles

SKU: Pre001
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