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Grade levels:  1st - 3rd 

Hour: 4th 

Teacher: Mackenzie Daniels  

Teacher Contact Info: 

Google Classroom Used:  No

Approximate Weekly Homework: 0

Monthly Cost:  $29 

One Time Supply Fee: $25/semester

Supply Fee Covers: The teacher is providing most of the basic and higher priced class supply items however the teacher may email a couple of lists of needed items throughout the year to be divided among the students in the class 

Prerequisites:  none

Materials Required:  The teacher is providing most of the basic and higher priced class supply items however the teacher may email a couple of lists of needed items throughout the year to be divided among the students in the class 

Class Description:  

In this class we'll be exploring the United States, the World and/or parts of history each week through themed or cultural projects, arts/crafts and/or tasting of current, historical or cultural food. The first semester will be geared towards introducing the United States, countries of the world and bits of history to the class. Second semester we'll be getting into more detailed projects. This class will explore major historical events, famous landmarks, famous people & where they're from, different States and country's flags, the state & country capitals, famous activities & attractions of that region and tasting of different cultural foods. 



SKU: SS101
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