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Algebra 1


Grade levels:  8th - 12th

Hour: 4th 

Teacher:  Cristal Sims 

Teacher Contact Info: 

Google Classroom Used:  Yes

Approximate Weekly Homework: 4

High School Credit: Full

Monthly Cost:  $32 

One Time Supply Fee: $5 

Supply Fee Covers: copies

Prerequisites:  C or above in Prealgebra

Materials Required:  Saxon Algebra 1, 3rd edition textbook Solution Manual- optional  pencils, spiral for notes/examples, basic scientific calculator

Class Description:  

Students will learn topics such as signed numbers, exponents, roots, equations, inequalities, polynomials, graphs, factoring and more. Geometry topics will also be integrated in. Friday classes will cover 3-4 lessons each week and quizzes may be given. Tests will be taken about every two weeks, proctored by parent and graded by teacher. Homework is graded for completion and the spiral for notes and examples will be for a participation grade. 

Optional: There will be an online session for any students who want extra help with work each week. (probably on Wednesday) 

Note: It is recommended that students cover lessons not covered by the end of FACE classes.

Algebra 1

SKU: Mat401
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