Advanced Gameschool
Grade levels: 6th - Adult
Hour: 2nd
Teacher: Beth House
Teacher Contact Info:
Google Classroom Used: Yes
Approximate Weekly Homework: 0-2
Monthly Cost: $26
One Time Supply Fee: TBD
Supply Fee Covers: If we decide as a class that we want to purchase a copy of a game (or multiple copies) we will divide the amount evenly across the class.
Prerequisites: Maturity- Desire to play games not just play around- this is not recess or free time. Students that refuse to participate or make the class non-functional will be removed.
Materials Required: Cards, Chess set, any games from home you may want to play. Binder with dividers for gameschooling log.
Class Description:
This is not just about playing games, although we'll do that too. We will explore the history of individual games and the dynamics of group gameplay. We will develop our own game as a joint class project. Game-based learning is a great way to improve creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It is based on the use of imagination.
Students will record an in depth game log to be turned in each week. Each student will be required at one point each semester to do a 3-5 minute presentation on the game of their choice which will be reviewed by their peers for clarity, entertainment, and accuracy. Class input on which games we will play is highly encouraged!
Games played in the past have been Ticket To Ride, Love Letter, Chess, Poker and other card games, Clue, Carcassone, Oregon Trail, Hues and Cues, Sagrada, Werewolf, Catan, Photosynthesis, Escape Rooms, Choose Your Own Adventure, and Trekking the National Parks (just to name a few).
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SKU: Log301
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